Opportunities To Serve
The Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution/Dispute Resolution Center accepts letters of interest and curricula vitae or resumés for vacancies on a continuing basis. If you are interested in serving on one of the boards or committees, please submit a letter of interest and a curriculum vitae or resumé by emailing them to DRCmail@tdwang.net. When candidates are needed for consideration for appointment by the Chief Justice, we will contact you to confirm your interest in serving.
The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Rules and Policy Committee
The Committee on ADR Rules and Policy provides the Supreme Court with recommendations relating to ADR legislation, and all aspects of ADR policy and rules including, but not limited to, ADR practices, mediator certification and renewal requirements, continuing education requirements, and mediation training program requirements.
Mediator Qualifications Discipline Review Board (MQDRB)
The Mediator Qualifications & Discipline Review Board (MQDRB) is the body responsible for the speedy investigation and disposition of any complaint submitted under the Florida Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators. The MQDRB is comprised of 17 to 21 members from each of the four Divisions in Florida. Members of the MQDRB include judges, county mediators, family mediators, circuit mediators, dependency mediators, appellate mediators and non-mediator attorneys who meet in complaint committees and hearing panels when complaints are filed against certified or court-appointed mediators. Additionally, the MQDRB’s four-member Qualifications Inquiry Committee (QIC) is responsible for good moral character inquiries presented by applications for initial or renewal certification.
Mediator Ethics Advisory Committee (MEAC)
The Mediator Ethics Advisory Committee (MEAC) was appointed in 1994. The nine-member committee issues written advisory ethics opinions for mediators subject to the Florida Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators. See rule 10.910. For the benefit of all mediators, the opinions are available on the Florida Courts’ web page.
Parenting Coordinator Review Board (PCRB)
The Parenting Coordinator Review Board (PCRB) has vacancies for the appointment of ten members, at least three of which are circuit, family, or county judges, 5 of which are parenting coordinators, two of which are attorneys who are neither parenting coordinators nor members of the judiciary.
The PCRB considers complaints against qualified and court-appointed parenting coordinators. The PCRB’s twenty members include judges, parenting coordinators and non-parenting coordinator attorneys from across the state who meet in complaint committees and hearing panels when grievances are filed against qualified or court-appointed parenting coordinators. Appointments are made by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Florida for four-year terms.
- Function: Conducts fact-finding and investigates the allegations contained in the complaint and the mediator's response. The investigator reports the results of such investigation to the complaint committee in writing and orally upon request. May be asked to prepare formal charges.
- Qualifications: Licensure as an attorney with investigative experience or at least 3 years experience as an investigator in any administrative, civil or criminal proceedings.
- Compensation: Investigators are retained on an as needed basis. Resumes are kept on file. Initial appointment: $100.00/hour; $150.00/hour thereafter.
- Function: Investigating and prosecuting the complaint to the hearing panel. Prosecutor does not serve as counsel to the complainant. May also perform investigative functions as necessary.
- Qualifications: Membership in The Florida Bar with a minimum of three years legal experience and experience prosecuting or defending grievances or criminal matters.
- Compensation: Initial Appointment: $150/hour; $200.00/hour thereafter. Prosecutors are appointed on an as needed basis. Resumes are kept on file.
If you are qualified, please submit a letter of interest and a current resume to:
Florida Dispute Resolution Center
Supreme Court Building
500 South Duval Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
Attn: DRC Staff Attorney